The Healthy Church Staff Podcast

The ESV Bible is Changing – Should You Be Concerned?

Todd Rhoades Season 1 Episode 320

Join me, Todd Rhodes, on the Healthy Church Staff podcast for a riveting exploration into the groundbreaking revisions of the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible. Have you ever wondered why sacred texts like the Bible undergo changes, and what these changes mean for our understanding of theology? Prepare to discover how updates in 42 verses across 36 passages, including notable shifts in Genesis 3:16 and John 1:18, aim to enhance accuracy and readability, bringing us closer to the essence of ancient biblical languages. Gain insight into the scholarly motivations driving these revisions, and consider the profound implications they hold for theological interpretation and personal belief systems.

Unlock the secrets behind why Genesis 3:16's controversial wording is returning to its 2001 version, and delve into the nuanced shift from "the only God" to "the only Son" in John 1:18. These changes are not just textual updates but potential catalysts for discussions around gender roles in marriage and the very nature of Christ. Whether you're a dedicated ESV reader or simply curious about the evolutionary journey of Bible translations, this episode promises to shed light on the dynamic intersection of scripture, scholarship, and faith. Tune in for a conversation that challenges assumptions and invites deeper reflection on the living words of the Bible.

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Speaker 1:

The ESV Bible is changing and I feel, like most Christians, you trust your Bible to remain the same. But the ESV, the English Standard Version, is undergoing a major update, the first in nearly 10 years. And today we're just going to talk about some of this because a lot of you and your churches and from the pulpit may use the ESV and you may hear some of these changes and they're going to be controversial they always are so we're going to talk about how these changes could impact how we interpret key theological passages. Okay, so that's what we're going to talk about here today on the Healthy Church Staff podcast. So glad you're joining me. My name is Todd Rhodes. I'm one of the co-founders over at chemistrystaffingcom. So Genesis 3.16 changed. John 1.18 adjusted Do these updates bring us closer to biblical accuracy or do they raise more questions? Because if it's God's word, why are we changing it? Stick around. We're going to unpack some of what's changing, why it's happening and what it means for you, particularly if you use the ESV in your church. And if you don't use the ESV in your church, maybe you're just interested in the topic. So we're going to talk about that and hopefully you'll stick around for some of what we're going to talk about that, and hopefully you'll stick around for some of what we're going to talk about here today.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the ESV is changing. So why is it changing? Okay, this is the first update that this version has gone through since 2016. And the TOC, as they like to call themselves, it's because they're too lazy, evidently, to say. Trans oversight committee has announced revisions to 42 verses. Okay, across 36 passages in the ESV Bible, and what they say is these updates aim to improve textual accuracy and readability for modern readers, bringing the translation closer to the original biblical languages, while remaining faithful to the ESV's philosophy of word-for-word translation. Okay, so what's that mean? Right, bible translations aren't static. They're refined over time as scholars, and this shouldn't surprise us at all. Right, they're refined over time as scholars gain more insights into ancient manuscripts and original meanings. So let's take a look at just a few of those.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the first is Genesis 3.16. I'm going to give you some examples here, and this one is a major reversal. It's one of the most controversial changes in the 2016 edition of the ESV. The rendering of Genesis 3.16 was this it said your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you, okay. So that translation suggested kind of an adversarial role between a husband and wife rather than a desire for intimacy or dependence, and many scholars debated whether this was the best way to capture the original Hebrew meaning. This was the best way to capture the original Hebrew meaning. So what's the update? The ESV is reverting back to its 2001 wording, so it's not new, but it's reverting back from what it was changed to in 2016. So here's the new wording your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you. Okay. This change brings it back in line with translations like the RSV and ASB, emphasizing a relational dynamic rather than the conflict one. Now, why does this matter, todd? Why does this matter? Genesis 3.16 is pretty foundational in discussing discussions about gender roles in marriage, and even a single word can shift how we understand the consequences of the fall. So this revision, it's significant. Am I going to lose sleep over this transition? I'm not. Some people probably will, though.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's look at another one John 1.18. It's talking about the only son versus the only God. So this is another major revision that appears in John 1.18. The current English Standard Version reads no one has ever seen God, the only God who is at the Father's side. He has made him known. Okay. However, the updated version is now going to read no one has seen God, the only son. They changed it from the only God to the only Son. No one has ever seen God, the only Son who is at the Father's side. He has made him known. So why change this? They say the update better reflects the original Greek words in the passage Theos God versus monogenes I hope I'm saying that which is only Son.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this change aligns with passages in John 1, verse 18, john 1, verse 14, which refers to Jesus as the only son. What's the significance here? The revision clarifies the verse's Christological meaning and it emphasizes Jesus as the unique son of God, rather than reinforcing theological debates about his divinity. Okay, so maybe what they're trying to do is make this a little bit more clear. Okay, so what does this bottom line Todd? What does this really mean for ESV readers? Okay, esv has been one of the most widely used modern English Bible translations. Just to give you a scope, about 315 million copies of the ESBV have been distributed worldwide, and the TOC assures readers that these changes aren't going to compromise doctrine, but they aim to reflect better linguistic precision.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so when are you going to see these updates? These first editions featuring these changes are going to be coming rolling out here in the spring of 2025. Full implementation everything is changing over. It's going to take them a little bit of time, but fall of 2020. For sure, these updates are going to spark some conversations among pastors and theologians and Bible readers.

Speaker 1:

Do these changes make the ESV a better translation or do they create new challenges? I don't know. What do you think? Do you think these changes improve the ESV or do they raise concerns? Let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts. You can leave them in the comments wherever you're listening or watching, and also send them to me.

Speaker 1:

I read every email I get podcastchemistrystaffingcom. I'd love to hear from you, and I'm one of the co-founders over at Chemistry Staffing and one of the things that we do actually all that we do is help churches and their staffs. So if there's any way that I can help personally, if you're in a state of transition where you're looking for a new ministry job, or maybe you work for a church and your church is looking to hire a new staff member, I'd love to come alongside you and help you and your church in that. Maybe your church needs help with any kind of staff-related compensation or staff restructuring or any kind of staff relations issue. I would love to partner with you if there's any way that could happen, so you can reach out to me anytime. Podcast chemistrystaffingcom.

Speaker 1:

All right, so as we leave today, these ESV updates I don't know where you fall on this. I'm not overly concerned about it, but some people are going to have a lot of discussions and debates and controversy over this. But at the heart of all, these changes remind us that Scripture is important, studying Scripture deeply and seeking the truth. It's important and I think the TOC is trying to do the right thing here. How it's going to be received could be another story, we'll see. All right, that's it for today here on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. Thanks so much for joining me. I hope you have if you're listening to this on a Friday, which is when it's released. I hope you have a great weekend and join us back here for the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. You.

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