The Healthy Church Staff Podcast

Before You Go - Moving Forward With Confidence

Todd Rhoades Season 1 Episode 290

This episode provides insightful strategies for those stepping into new ministry roles, emphasizing the significance of anchoring in one's calling and trusting the process. Listeners are encouraged to focus on relationship building, embrace a learning mindset, and celebrate small achievements along the way.

• Importance of transitioning with confidence 
• Understanding and overcoming imposter syndrome 
• Anchoring yourself in your calling 
• Embracing a learning mindset in new roles 
• Building meaningful relationships within the team 
• Recognizing the value of trust and commitment 
• Trusting God’s timing for personal and group progress 
• Celebrating small wins during the transition 
• Crafting a personal mission statement for guidance 
• Encouragement to reach out for support in the transition

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Speaker 1:

Stepping into a new ministry role can feel a lot like a mix of excitement and total imposter syndrome. You might be asking yourself am I really ready for this? On this episode, we're going to be breaking down how to move forward with confidence, even when you don't have all the answers Stick around. I think you're going to enjoy this episode. We're going to be breaking down how to move forward with confidence, even when you don't have all the answers Stick around. I think you're going to enjoy this one, particularly if you were in the midst of a transition in your ministry. Thanks for joining me today here on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast.

Speaker 1:

My name is Todd Rhodes, one of the co-founders over at chemistrystaffingcom, and starting a new chapter in ministry usually feels overwhelming. We've been talking a lot about that for the last three weeks in the series on the podcast based on Wade Hodges' book called Before you Go. You know there are people to meet, there are challenges to face, there are responsibilities to take on. You're leaving what you've known and stepping into the unknown with a bunch of new people and characters and church. So Wade reminds us that our confidence doesn't come from having all the answers, because right now, if you're in the middle of this. You will not have all the answers. Our confidence comes from trusting the one who's called you. Our confidence comes from trusting the one who does have all the answers, even if he's not given all of the answers to us just yet. So how do you move on with confidence? Well, here are some truths today that I think, hopefully, will help you. And the first is you know we talked about imposter syndrome and feeling, you know, not worthy. You know you need to anchor yourself in your calling. Remind yourself why God has called you into this new role. Be confident in that and reflect on how this opportunity aligns with your gifts and your passions and your purpose. God has prepared you for what he has called you to next. So make sure that you anchor yourself in that calling. And during this time, during this time of transition, you're going to learn a lot, so you need to lean into that and embrace that learning mindset.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to know everything on day one. Matter of fact. You are not going to know everything on day one or day two or day three or day 90. I remember, at the first church I was, I was there for 12 years on staff and still in years 11, and it was not a large church 250 people. I remember year 10, I was there 10 years and I was still discovering people I'd known for years that were related to people that were related. You know, I didn't realize that that was your sister-in-law. I've known you and I've known her for 10 years. I had no, you're not going to know everything on day one and you don't need to, but you need to be open to learning from your new team, from your new congregation, from your community. You are going to be in question and asking mode for a good amount of time here, and that's good.

Speaker 1:

Embrace that learning mindset. You're going to learn a lot. Set some realistic goals. You know, don't try to tackle everything at once. Focus on a few key priorities in your first 90 days and build from there. And one of the things, one of the best things that you can do and it's going to feel like, oh, I'm not getting anything done One of the best things you can do in your first 90 days to first six months is spend time with people.

Speaker 1:

No ulterior motives, no, hey, I want to recruit you to do this. Just get to know people, get some change in your pocket, as I like to say you know, build into people, build relationships, get to know people and how they relate with each other. Do that, but also watch people, watch how they relate to each other, get to know kind of the unspoken dynamics. You can learn a lot from body language. You can learn a lot from sitting in your board or your elder meetings. Take all of that in, but don't try to tackle everything at once. Focus on a few key priorities. And the next thing is what I just mentioned. I got ahead of myself. Build relationships, take the time to connect with your staff and your leadership team and your congregation.

Speaker 1:

Trust is built through intentional relationships and it's going to feel like I'm wasting my time here, especially if you're like me and you're like man. I've just landed and I got to get stuff done. I got to charge that hill. Well, slow your roll there, cowboy, because you can't rush the hill if you don't have anybody with you. So you need to take time to build those relationships and that trust and those relationships are built over time. And then and this is difficult for the hard chargers and I know we have a lot of hard chargers that are listening to my voice right now, those people that want to charge and take those hills. You've got to trust God's timing. If you're a hard charger, it's going to feel like you're at a snail's pace when you first start. Some things are just going to take time to fall into place, including those relationships and what you have to do, even though you're not hard charging yet. Lean in and lean into those relationships and building that trust.

Speaker 1:

Trust that God is working behind the scenes, even when that progress seems slow, and, particularly when that progress seems slow, take time to celebrate those small wins. You might not have a big win your first 90 days. You might not have a big win your first six months, but I'll bet you matter of fact, I'll guarantee you're going to have some small wins. If you don't look for them, though, you might miss them. So acknowledge them, look for them, celebrate those small victories along the way. They will remind you that you're making progress and they will encourage both you and your family, but also encourage your team as well. So here's your bottom line for today Confidence comes from trusting God's calling and faithfully taking just one step at a time.

Speaker 1:

That's it just one step at a time. Some steps to maybe help you do that. You know, maybe write a personal mission statement. You should have one anyway, but during times of transition, when you're stepping into a new role, it's time to revise it. If you have an old one or just a right one, write a statement that captures your vision and your purpose for your ministry, for your life and for this new role, and use it as a guide for any decisions or actions that you need to make. And then, specifically any decisions or actions that you need to make, and then specifically make your plan for your first 90 days. Outline your goals. Don't worry about starting new things or breaking what needs to be broken. In your first 90 days, focus on listening, focus on learning and focus on building relationships, and that advice will serve you really, really well.

Speaker 1:

Are you stepping into a new role? I'd love to hear how you're preparing and how you're encouraging. I'd like to encourage you along the way. Maybe you just stepped into a new role. Maybe you're in that first 90 days. Maybe you're in that first six-month period. I would love to hear what you're going through. How's it going? Are you being too hard on yourself? Do you have imposter syndrome? A lot of us do. Sometimes Reach out to me anytime I can be a service to you. Podcast at chemistrystaffingcom. Maybe I can serve you, maybe I can serve your church If you're looking to hire a new staff member or have any staff-related questions, I'd love to be able to partner with you.

Speaker 1:

And if you're liking what you've heard on the podcast and this is the last podcast we've been doing three weeks on Before you Go Before that, we did a three-week series on when to leave and we're going to do a hodgepodge of different topics, but I think you're really going to be interested in what we're going to be talking about. A little bit of everything next week and next couple weeks anyway, but if you would, if you like what you're hearing, go ahead and hit subscribe to the podcast, hit the like button, if there's a like button, and that way you can come back and join us. We're here every day, monday through Friday, with words of wisdom and encouragement, hopefully just for you as a church staff member. All right, finally, it's the last time I'm going to offer this because it's the last time in the series.

Speaker 1:

If you'd like to download Wade Hodges' book Before you Go, I can send you a copy of this. It's a beautiful PDF written by Wade Hodges. It's called. Before you Go, it's what we based our last three weeks of podcasts on. Just send me an email podcast at chemistrystaffingcom. I will make sure that I send you a copy of Wade's book today. All right, thanks so much for spending time with me today. If it's Friday, if you're listening to this on the day that it is released or watching it. Thanks so much and I hope you have a really great weekend and join us back here again. Start. Start of the week for the Healthy Truths Day. It's been a great day.

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