The Healthy Church Staff Podcast

Do You Love Your Church Job (or Hate it?)

Todd Rhoades Season 1 Episode 57

Are you merely clocking in and out of your church job or are you pouring your soul into your ministry? Today on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast, we grapple with this gut-checking question that may just redefine your professional and spiritual journey. I'm Todd Rhodes, your host and co-founder at, and we're peeling back the layers on the attitudes that shape our work in the church. This episode promises to be a mirror to your ministry mindset, challenging you to scrutinize whether you're fulfilling just the basic expectations or striving for a legacy that echoes through your community.

Through personal reflections and tough-love insights, we examine the transformative power of aligning personal goals with professional duties in the church. For anyone feeling stuck or uninspired, consider this your wake-up call. We at Chemistry Staffing are here to guide you toward a healthier, more passionate approach to your calling. It's time to ask yourself if you're making an eternal impact or just marking time. Discover the steps to elevate your role beyond the status quo and find out how to pursue a position that ignites all cylinders of your service for a lasting, spiritually rewarding career.

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Speaker 1:

Okay, it's just you and me here talking one-on-one, and I've got a question for you today Do you love your church job or do you hate it? That's what you and I are going to talk about here today on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. My name is Todd Rhodes. I'm your host for the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. I'm also one of the co-founders over at chemistrystaffingcom.

Speaker 1:

Today we're talking about two different attitudes about how you may be approaching your church job today your church staff position. See which one of these communicates more how you feel about your church job. One approach is hey, I come in on time. Sometimes I even get in a little bit early. I meet expectations. I do what everybody asks me to do, really Sometimes even a little bit faster than they expect. I stay on time and budget. For the most part, I'm pretty hardworking, I'm pretty loyal. So that's scenario number one. The second one is go something along like this what in my role? What aren't they asking me to do that I could do? What aren't they asking me to do that I could learn from that? I could make a bigger impact with that. I could maybe possibly fail, yet survive. What's not on my agenda that I can fight to put out there? Who can I frighten? That's an interesting question. What can I learn? How can I go faster? What sort of legacy am I creating? Both of these different scenarios are two totally different attitudes. My question today is which one do you have yourself If you're over a staff, which one do you ask of your staff and really do they match?

Speaker 1:

I have the privilege of working with just a bunch of top notch church leaders, and those top notch church leaders I know none of them that operate under the first framework that I mentioned. Hey, I come in on time, I do what they asked me to do, I stay on budget, I work hard, I'm loyal. Just everybody that I know that's a really good leader. Look at the other one then there's the second one and they're like how can I do better? How can I move the dial? How can I create some kind of legacy? How can I have a long term impact in people's lives here? And I don't know many leaders that don't have that top notch leaders that don't have that attitude. And in fact, I don't know a lot of churches that are tearing it up that really have a staff that work under the first framework either.

Speaker 1:

So today's question is really this Are and this may be cut, this may cut a little bit Are you working hard? Are you hardly working? Do you love your job? Is it just okay, or do you really hate it? Do you really loathe it?

Speaker 1:

And at different points in our ministry career maybe we've been in all three seats. But what I'm talking about today is how you feel today. How do you feel about your church role. It makes a difference. It makes an eternal difference and it's really important that if you're not in a good spot, that you seek to get in a good spot, that you seek to find a place where you can serve, where you're running on all cylinders and you're serving Jesus with all your might and you're excited about it and you love it and you enjoy it. At Chemistry Staffing, one of the goals that we have is we want to help you not only do a good job but do a great job, and we know that at different times in our ministry that's a pretty tall order and one of the ways that you can get started.

Speaker 1:

If you're looking at, maybe, being in a church that just doesn't fit or being in a role that you just feel like man I'm just talking to a pastor the other days. I just feel like I'm going through the motions. I just I feel like God's just leading me to do something different. If you find yourself in that boat, we would love to help you discern that calling and discern maybe where God would have you to go. That's one of the things that we do and one of the privileges I get as Dork with candidates all throughout every week to help them find what we call a healthy long term fit, someplace where they can serve, where you could serve for five plus years in healthy ministry. That really moves the dial. If you don't have that right now and you would love to move closer to that, head on over to chemistry staffingcom. You can add your resume and your profile there. It doesn't cost you a thing. Reach out to me podcast at chemistrystaffingcom. I'd love to guide you as to how to do that.

Speaker 1:

And if you're in a church and you need a staff member, you need a partner. You need a new teammate that really fits that second scenario, that really wants to have an impact, and you're really looking for a team member that can really help you in what God has called you and your church to do. We would love to talk with you and help, partner with you to help you find that person. That's what we do, and we consider it a privilege to be able to do so many. So where are you? Do you love your job? Do you hate it? This isn't it really wasn't meant to be a sales pitch for what we do at chemistry, but what we do at chemistry is really vitally important. Hear my heart. What I want for you is to be exactly where God wants you to be, and sometimes that is long term in one church for a whole entire career, and God works in great and mighty ways. Other times it's a change of pace, and if there's any way that, if you are getting set for a change of pace or you're in a church that's looking to hire new people, I'd love to talk to you. Reach out to me anytime.

Speaker 1:

Podcast at chemistrystaffingcom. That's podcast at chemistrystaffingcom. I hope you'll come back tomorrow. We are here every day, monday through Friday, for five to ten minutes of encouragement, and tomorrow we're going to be talking about leadership and the title of tomorrow's podcast. I think it's going to be a good one If you can master this one leadership ball. Either dressed will be easy. Join us again tomorrow. I'm Todd Rhodes. Thanks for joining us.

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