The Healthy Church Staff Podcast

Lost Your Mojo? What to Do When You're Bored in Ministry

Todd Rhoades Season 1 Episode 19

Feeling like your ministry has hit a plateau of predictability? I, Todd Rhoades, help you reignite that dwindling flame, promising strategies to revitalize your calling with passion and purpose. In our latest podcast episode, we don't just scratch the surface; we go deep into acknowledging the good, even when it's cloaked in the mundane. Ministry can sometimes feel like a hamster wheel, but we tackle ways to step off and breathe new life into your leadership, both spiritually and practically. From expressing gratitude to caring for your physical well-being, and even shaking up your approach to leading – we cover it all.

This heart-to-heart isn't just about finding joy in your work again; it's a treasure map to meaningful connections and community impact. We'll explore the art of delegation to ditch the energy-drainers, and the counterintuitive wisdom of choosing to take a closer look at projects that spark your interest – yes, even if it means micromanaging, just a tad. Join me as we pull back the curtain on transforming ho-hum into hallelujah in your ministry journey. Forget the rut; it's time to restore the vibrancy to your vocation.

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Speaker 1:

Ever just get tired of just doing the right thing. Things just seem monotonous and you just have lost your passion. We're going to talk about it today. My name is Todd Rhodes. I'm your host here on the Healthy Church Staff podcast, also one of the co-founders over at chemistrystaffingcom, and there's a link to an article by Tom Harper down in our show notes today that talks about how to break the monotony and reignite your passion.

Speaker 1:

Now, I realize it's just the first of the year it's January but sometimes even after the first of the year, after things settle down, sometimes you can get a little bored, and if you are bored in ministry it's probably due to a number of different things. It could be that you really don't have any significant goals or challenges. Maybe you've been in your chair, your leadership chair, whatever it is at your church for a prolonged period of time and it just doesn't seem like there's any real momentum. And there's not really a lack of momentum either. It's just everything's good, nothing's great. You don't really know what to do next, but you just feel like you need a challenge. Let's talk about some things that you can do. So what do you do when you're bored? What do you do when the monotony kind of gets to you. I think we all get there at one point in time or another. We've all been there. So let's talk about a few things that relate to both our spiritual, our physical, our mental health, because that really does play into maybe some of the boredom or monotony that we feel sometimes in ministry. So here's the first thing I'd suggest you just take some time today to reflect on the good things in your life and express your gratitude, your gratitude to God, your gratitude to others. Even though things may seem boring and the monotony's set in at your church, I'm guessing if you look there's some really cool things that are happening. God's doing some stuff through your leadership and through your church, through the people in your church, through the community that you serve. What are those things? Take out a piece of paper, write down some of those things and reflect on some of the good things.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times we just don't take time to think about that and that kind of contributes to our ho hummus at times. So write those things down, reflect on those, express your gratitude to God. Also, take time. How are you doing physically? Are you taking time to eat well and to exercise regularly to get enough rest. A lot of times as church leaders, we just we go and we eat horribly, we never exercise and I'm talking from experience here, so don't get on me and sometimes we just don't get enough rest. Make sure that you take care of yourself physically, because that can also affect your attitude and just how you feel about life in general, but particularly about your ministry and your job.

Speaker 1:

And then, if there are areas that you can seek out some opportunities to build some meaningful relationships, to do something different, to make things just change a little bit, look for ways to serve others, look for ways to make a positive impact in your community, because really, when it comes right down to it, when you start to lose energy as a leader, you really need to consider leading differently in some way. That might seem a little harsh, but it's true. When we're bored, we need to change it up a little. Okay, so what would that look like if you're say, todd, I'm just bored, I don't know. Do I want to stay here? Do I want to leave? Do I want to? I don't know what I'm going to do?

Speaker 1:

Here's some ways that you can lead differently. It could mean, if you've got something that is maybe fueling some of this ho hummus that you need to delegate. If you're doing something that's just draining you, maybe you delegate it. Or maybe you start to micromanage I know micromanage is a bad word, but maybe you start to micromanage something that really interests you. By micromanaging I don't being an ogre over people is there something that you could? If there's something in your church that you could really sink your teeth into something that really interests you and something you could really get excited about and could gain you energy, maybe consider doing that to change up some things a little bit, at least for the short term.

Speaker 1:

It always helps if you can focus on serving others, watching out, as we said, for your own health, but also connecting with people that can also help leaders differently. So maybe you've got a friend and you just confide in them, a fellow ministry mentor or someone that you can really trust, and just say, hey, here's how I feel, what can I do? What can I do differently to kind of get me out of this funk that I feel like I'm in? And if that doesn't help, what Tom Harper suggests, you thank God for your job and your shifting perspective and ultimately lead differently if you can. If you can't, this might be God's way of stirring and starting to move in your heart that if there's not a way that you can move forward where you're at that, maybe he's got something different for you. So we'll talk about that more in a future episode, but hopefully this was helpful.

Speaker 1:

If you get nothing else out of our time together today, it's you're not alone. If you're feeling off by yourself, just bored, not knowing what to do, need a challenge. God hits all of us in ministry from time to time. Hopefully this will be helpful to you as you try and strive to lead a little bit differently and get some of that mojo back. Tomorrow, join us again. We're going to be talking about the key to dreaming, to building your dream church team. So join us tomorrow for that. Here on the Healthy Church Staff podcast If you're not a subscriber, please subscribe, and you can always get in contact with me with any input. Maybe you've got an idea for a podcast in the future. You can always catch me at podcast at chemistrystaffingscom. Talk to you tomorrow.

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