Todd Rhoades
Todd Rhoades has dedicated over 30 years to serving churches. His journey includes over 15 years as a worship pastor, more than a decade as a church elder, and extensive roles in ministry leadership within both business and non-profit sectors. As the original founder and developer of ChurchStaffing.com, Todd helped revolutionize how churches search for pastors and staff online, impacting thousands of churches nationwide. His work with Leadership Network helped equip him with cutting-edge insights into the evolving landscape of modern churches and an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of healthy church operations. Today, Todd is dedicated to helping churches find healthy, long-term fit staff members through his work at ChemistryStaffing.com. Residing in Bryan, Ohio, with his wife, Dawn, Todd continues to utilize his experience in guiding churches through their staffing processes, ensuring that each placement fosters a thriving and effective church environment.